What are we up against?

In December 2024, we will be attempting to row unassisted over 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.

Widely regarded as one of the world’s toughest endurance challenges, there is no truer test of mental and physical resilience.

More people have been into space than have rowed an ocean!

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

The Race

In December 2024, the Deep Blue Crew will take part in the World’s Toughest Row, a 3000-mile rowing race from La Gomera in the Canary Islands across the Atlantic Ocean to Antigua. The international race sees crews from across the world come together to battle the ocean and each other in one of the most gruelling endurance races in the World.

Despite it being a race, the event brings with it a real sense of camaraderie and mutual respect for those who share the same dream, and the bravery and determination to go after that dream.

The daily struggles of the crew will be balanced with amazing wildlife encounters and a true sense of pride as they embark on the ultimate journey of self-discovery.


Time at Sea

The time at sea could be anything from 30 to in excess of 80 days.

Shift Pattern

The crew will row a gruelling shift of 2 hours on, 2 hours off, day and night for the entirety of the race. Sleep deprivation

Weight Loss

On average team will lose around 15kg during the crossing, demonstrating the relentless physical demands of the voyage.

Big Waves

The team will face waves of up to 40 feet, including rogue waves that can cause the boats to capsize in the middle of the night.

Oar Strokes

Each member of the team will row in excess of 1.5 million oar strokes. 

Calories Burned

Rowers will burn in excess of 7,000 calories per day as they each pull on the oars 12 hours a day.

The Elements

There is nothing that can fully prepare you for rowing the Atlantic. The crew will battle 40-foot waves, 50-knot winds and up to 40-degree heat in the world’s toughest rowing race! They are constantly exposed to the elements – unforgiving and relentless.

The crew will face storms, sleep deprivation, salt sores, and sea sickness day after day. The ultimate test of both mental and physical strength.